sploid short film festival
Short Film: God Is Only A Brain Malfunction
The first time my grandma visited the Sistine Chapel, she almost passed out. When she recovered she said she saw God. If the premise of this short is correct, she didn’t. She only suffered a weird type of epilepsy triggered by certain images. Those visions of God follow a precise pattern and can be induced…
R2-D2 Adorably Falls In Love With A Mailbox In This Super Cute film
I can’t imagine anything cutter than R2-D2 trying to seduce someone — or in this case, something: A blue mailbox. He brings her flowers, performs the sweetest mating dance I’ve ever seen, watch movies with her, or even zaps away people who try to mail things.
When Robots Start Acting Like Humans You Can Expect The Worst
Corporations aren’t inherently evil, they’re only as greedy as the humans behind them. It’s the same thing with robots. Robots have no emotions — they’re just a pile of metal, screws and circuits — but they will be as mean, selfish, and avaricious as the people programming them.
A Murder Mystery Unravels As The Camera Zooms Out And Changes Angles
Since we’re limited by our own perspective, every story can always be told differently. People see things differently. People remember different things. People tell stories differently. Because, well, people are different. We only remember what we can, we need the full picture to see it all.