squirrel girl
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Returns With an Equally Unbeatable Podcast
If you’ve found that there has been a surplus of butts that needed to be kicked in your life (as well as a tragic dearth of nuts being eaten) since Ryan North and Erica Henderson’s Unbeatable Squirrel Girl comic series came to a close in 2019, fret no more. Let both butts and nuts beware,…
The Newest Marvel Rising Special Introduces Shuri To The Secret Warriors’ Girl Gang
Shuri, the smartest person in the world, and absolutely one of the coolest. Now’s a great time to be a Shuri fan; after Black Panther made her a household name, she’s been appearing all over the place, and it’s been fantastic.
Garfield’s Jim Davis Turns Galactus Into The Cutest Planet-Eater Ever
Galactus, Devourer of Worlds, hates all life as we know it — so of course it makes sense that he would hate Mondays too.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl And The New Warriors Are Coming To TV
Look, I’m gonna be honest with you guys: This new show is actually just called New Warriors. But I don’t care. It has Squirrel Girl in it. It’s the Squirrel Girl show. And it’s actually happening.