
  • On Star Trek: Picard, Family Matters

    On Star Trek: Picard, Family Matters

    Last week’s season three premiere of Star Trek: Picard navigated the show into a nostalgia-laden examination of the weight behind our heroes’ long lives — the impact they’ve had, and what’s remained as Starfleet and the galaxy at large have grown beyond them. If that was a more esoteric examination of this theme, this week’s…

  • Star Trek: Picard Returns, With the Sins of the Past in Tow

    Star Trek: Picard Returns, With the Sins of the Past in Tow

    Over two wildly different seasons so far, Star Trek: Picard has tried to navigate just what it wants to say about its titular legend. Are our memories of Jean-Luc Picard justified or warped through rose-tinted recollection? Is he too tied to the past, or the only figure Starfleet could turn to to navigate a tumultuous…