Side Quest to Lost Spirits, a Literary-Themed Distillery in Las Vegas
Just off the hustle and bustle of the bright lights on the Las Vegas Strip is a destination for the experiential-themed adventure seeker and drinker. Lost Spirits, a rum distillery inspired in part by Jules Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, can be found at Area 15, an array of eclectic dining and interactive holes…
What’s The Most Dangerous Food Of All Time?
Surveying the whole scope of human history vis-à-vis food, a couple of themes emerge. One is that humans like their food to taste good. Another is that they like it to not kill them. These two qualities often cohere in the same foodstuff—apples, for instance, taste great, and are not to my knowledge toxic —…
Evaporated Cane Juice Is Just Sugar
You may have noticed a subtle change on your food ingredients list. Big, bad sugar is being replaced by the fresher, greener sounding evaporated cane juice. But how does this ingredient differ from sugar? It doesn’t, says the FDA.
More Than Half Of All Calories Eaten In America Now Come From Processed Food
Americans are used to breaking down their foods into different groups — and to plenty of different opinions about just what that breakdown should look like. But there’s another category of food we haven’t been tracking, one that now makes up more than half of everything we eat.