
  • The 11 Best (and Worst) Sentient Robots From Sci-Fi

    The 11 Best (and Worst) Sentient Robots From Sci-Fi

    Earlier this month, a Google engineer, Blake Lemoine, claimed his employer had inadvertently created a sentient AI chatbot system, called Language Model for Dialogue Applications — or LaMDA, for short. Lemoine had been tasked with seeing if the LaMDA’s programming showed any tendencies toward hate speech or discrimination in conversation with the average person, the…

  • Watch 2 Terminators Transform in Front of Your Eyes

    Watch 2 Terminators Transform in Front of Your Eyes

    When is a piece of art better than another piece of art? When it’s two pieces in one. That’s the theme of “Transitions,” the latest show by pop culture artist Cuyler Smith. Smith is best known for turning sports movies into trading cards, but in recent months he’s become interested in lenticular prints and has…

  • The Most Disappointing Movies Of The 2010s

    The Most Disappointing Movies Of The 2010s

    The 2010s were filled with blockbusters, from the boom of the Avengers franchise to the new era of Star Wars. There were movies that frighted and delighted. Movies that moved us and films that fulfilled us. And then, there were these films. The ones that we had high hopes for, and the ones that broke…

  • Terminator’s Stars Tackle The Franchise’s Greatest Paradox

    Terminator’s Stars Tackle The Franchise’s Greatest Paradox

    The Terminator and Terminator: Dark Fate share a similar problem. Both are about an artificial intelligence from the future sending a Terminator into the past to kill a woman before she can do something that could, eventually, destroy it. For Sarah Connor, that’s giving birth to John Connor, leader of the human resistance. For Dani…