Linux Group Shares Its First Open Dataset for Creating Real Google Maps Alternatives
If you’re not Google (or, to a much lesser extent, Apple), map apps are damned hard to make. Last year, several major heavy hitters in tech, including the likes of Meta, Microsoft, TomTom, and Amazon, decided to lay down their arms and meet under a flag of parlay held aloft by the Linux Foundation to make…
TomTom’s Adorable New VIO SatNav Is Designed To Match Your Scooter
The average GPS satnav is a boring rectangular affair that will stick out like a sore thumb if you tried to mount one to a scooter. But just because you drive a curvaceous classic Vespa doesn’t mean you won’t ever get lost, so TomTom has created an adorable circular satnav designed to complement your scooter.
Top 5: The Best Smart Fitness Trackers
Keeping track of your steps or your heart rate might seem like a small thing, but it can contribute a lot to your overall health. One of the simplest ways to track your fitness — whether it’s just by measuring the number of steps you take in a day, or whether it’s monitoring your heart…
TomTom Multi-Sport Cardio Sport Watch: Australian Review
TomTom is a company with a lot of plates spinning at once. In-car GPS, mobile apps, and the competitive fitness wearable segment make for a lot to pay attention to. The new Multi-Sport Cardio, though, is so simultaneously simple, and powerful, and versatile that it really is a runner’s best friend.