tony stark

  • Why Has Spider-Man Become Such a Movie Mess?

    Why Has Spider-Man Become Such a Movie Mess?

    All told, Spider-Man is one of the weirdest high-profile superheroes. Peter Parker will always be famous, and that means anything he ends up headlining will just eventually have an odd aura around it. Look no further than his own movies: after Sam Raimi’s trilogy, Sony didn’t maintain the proper hold it had on the franchise,…

  • The Ultimates are Ready to Avenge the Ultimate Universe

    The Ultimates are Ready to Avenge the Ultimate Universe

    The new Ultimate Universe has an intriguing start behind it: what if classic Marvel heroes like Spider-Man and Black Panther have only just stepped into their heroic identities? Instead of coming into heroism naturally, Tony Stark (aka Iron Lad) has been tracking down persons of interest and jump starting them into the superheroes we know…