See D.C.’s Early Blooming Cherry Blossoms After a Super-Warm Winter
It was weirdly warm in Washington D.C. and along much of the U.S. East Coast this winter. And, despite some brief bursts of colder temperatures, the unseasonable weather has had some some spillover effects. Spring sprung early, bringing on pollen and allergy season to parts of the country sooner than generally expected. But, on a…
Kyoto Cherry Blossoms Bloom Earlier as Climate Warms, New Study Suggests
Cherry blossoms in Kyoto, Japan are blooming earlier according to a new study from the Met Office in the United Kingdom.
How Many Trees Are Needed To Provide Aussies With Dunny Roll for a Year?
Have you ever thought about what goes into making the humble toilet paper roll? That is, just how many trees are sacrificed for us to wipe ourselves on this precious essential? Well, the team at QS Supplies thought about this. They actually published some research this month, focusing on a few stats from the toilet…
Across the World, Trees are Growing Faster, Dying Younger and Will Soon Store Less Carbon
As the world warms and the atmosphere becomes increasingly fertilised with carbon dioxide, trees are growing ever faster. But they’re also dying younger – and overall, the world’s forests may be losing their ability to store carbon. That’s the key finding of our new study, published in the journal Nature Communications. In a world without…