Volcanic Eruption In Chile Fills Argentinian Lake With Ash
On June 4, southern Chile’s Puyehue volcano erupted for the first time in 50 years. It’s been spewing giant ash clouds ever since. Enough ash, it seems, to make the Nahuel Huapi Lake in neighbouring Argentina an unrecognizable, soot-covered abyss, as you’ll see in the above video of one diver’s attempt to sift through it…
Ex-Girlfriend Gets Revenge By Turning Boyfriend Into A Meme
It’s a story as old as time. Boy meets girl. Boy and girl break up. Girl gets revenge by turning boy into a humiliating meme. This appears to be what happened to poor Jack Weppler.
The Inspiration For Lady Gaga’s New Perfume: Blood And Semen
We were trying to determine what Lady Gaga’s forthcoming fragrance should smell like, but rumour has it she’s decided. It will supposedly smell like blood and semen. Nasty, but I guess that’s exactly what a bad romance smells like.