unreal estate
UnReal Estate Brings Popular Culture Locations To Life Through Art
The places that characters frequent in movies or TV often become characters themselves. Homes, hideouts, workplaces, these locations can often be as important to your love of something as the fictional people who dwell in them.
Would You Pay $668 A Week To Live In This Glorified Hostel?
The housing crisis is edging an entire generation out of the most expensive cities on the planet. But what if you could still live in those cities, moving between them like a digital-age vagabond, sharing well-appointed apartments for short stints with likeminded globetrotters? That’s the promise of a new co-living startup called Roam.
This Ranch For Sale Is Bigger Than NYC And LA Combined
You know what they say about Texas: They make really good queso. And Texas is also home to the biggest ranch in the US — over half a million acres. It’s currently for sale, and for just $US725 million this Little Empire on the Prairie can be yours.
Berlin’s Creepiest Abandoned Amusement Park Burnt Down By Suspected Arson
Sorry, fans of ruin porn, creators of would-be Saw-sequels and demented Walt Disney wannabes: The famous abandoned amusement park in Berlin named Spreepark was destroyed by two separate fires over the weekend. Arson is suspected.