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  • Why Adults Suck At Learning Languages 

    Why Adults Suck At Learning Languages 

    I was born in Spain to Spanish-speaking parents, who in their infinite wisdom brought me up speaking English. I’ve always resented missing the opportunity to be brought up bilingual — adults seem to have such a tough time learning languages, compared to children. But why is that?

  • This Is What Tinder Would Have Looked Like In The 1980s

    This Is What Tinder Would Have Looked Like In The 1980s

    Swipe left? What do you mean “swipe”? How’s about pressing the left arrow key to painstakingly move a pixelated image of a man with a jean jacket to the recycling bin! Then just wait, wait, wait, and try again. Everyone’s dream partner is out there somewhere, and if no one calls the landline, maybe just…