The Mystery of the Watermelon’s Origins May Have Been Solved
Researchers have identified the likely origins of Citrinus lanatus vulgaris, commonly known as the watermelon, according to a new study. Their work pegs a Sudanese melon as the progenitor of the iconic green-striped fruit.
A Perfectly Skinned Watermelon Looks So Hilariously Ridiculous
Since a watermelon looks like it’s ripped off the screen of like a Super Mario Bros video game and is wonderful at exploding because of its red flesh and is even more excellent at housing molten aluminium, it very probably is the world’s funnest fruit to play with. Here’s another fun trick you can do…
The Watermelon Might Be The Best Thing To See Explode In Slow Motion
What’s your favourite thing to see explode? Never thought about it? How could you. I think it might have to be the watermelon The hard outer shell of the fruit makes for perfect fragmentation, the watermelon’s shape holds an explosive pretty darn well and its red flesh makes for colorfully gory splashes (especially against the…