
  • James Marsden Is as Bummed About Westworld Ending as the Rest of Us

    James Marsden Is as Bummed About Westworld Ending as the Rest of Us

    James Marsden, who played Teddy Flood in seasons one, two, and four of HBO’s prematurely cancelled Westworld, shares fans’ disappointment with the way the show ended. The decision likely came down to the fact that Westworld was a large, expensive show and the fourth season was not as well-received or widely viewed as past seasons.…

  • Why Don’t Animated Movies and Sci-Fi Seem to Mix?

    Why Don’t Animated Movies and Sci-Fi Seem to Mix?

    Disney’s Strange World released over Thanksgiving weekend, and despite mainly solid reviews, it’s on track to be one of the studio’s biggest box office disappointments. Its opening weekend was a bust, and it stopped just shy of earning $US12 ($17) million in its first three days. As it stands, Disney will ultimately be fine thanks…