what is

  • What Is Cocaine Psychosis?

    What Is Cocaine Psychosis?

    By now you’ve likely heard the horrifying tale of the man who was shot by police while eating another man’s face. What possessed Rudy Eugene to consume 75 per cent of a homeless man’s face? Drugs, obviously. It’s not totally clear which drugs Eugene was on, but police have speculated that the attack was prompted…

  • What Is SOPA? Giz Explains

    If you hadn’t heard of SOPA before, you probably have by now: Some of the internet’s most influential sites — Reddit and Wikipedia among them — are going dark to protest the much-maligned anti-piracy bill. But other than being a very bad thing, what is SOPA? And what will it mean for you if it…

  • What Is An RPG?

    The Diplomatic District of Kabul, Afghanistan is under attack right now. Reports are that the area — including the US Embassy — is taking heavy RPG fire. But what is an RPG, exactly?