william shatner

  • Flat Earthers Are Getting Their Own Reality TV Show

    Flat Earthers Are Getting Their Own Reality TV Show

    Flat Earth conspiracy theories have run rampant in recent years, despite fairly conclusive proof that our planet is shaped like an orb (William Shatner wouldn’t lie to us would he?). Yes, for some reason, a substantial demographic of America’s more internet-addled folks have taken it upon themselves to prove that if you pilot a yacht…

  • What Did Captain Kirk Do Before Commanding the Enterprise?

    What Did Captain Kirk Do Before Commanding the Enterprise?

    Last night brought the shocking news that Captain James T. Kirk would be returning to Star Trek, his young self being portrayed by Vampire Diaries’ Paul Wesley in the second season of Strange New Worlds. Unless some typically Trek-y timey-wimey shenanigans are on the cards, the odds are this is a young Kirk in a…