
  • The Best Apps And Add-Ons To Improve Your Writing

    The Best Apps And Add-Ons To Improve Your Writing

    Whether you write for business or pleasure or both, you want your prose to be at the very least comprehensible and free from typos – and as usual, there are apps for that. These are some of the best tools we’ve come across for keeping your writing as neat, as tidy, and as impactful as…

  • Why Stephen King Wants Adults To Remember How They Thought As Kids

    Why Stephen King Wants Adults To Remember How They Thought As Kids

    Video: Stephen King’s dark imagination as an adult always makes people wonder what the hell happened to him as a kid. But King didn’t have that unusual of a childhood. He’s more interested in everyone else’s curiosity about how he grew up and their assumption that something horrific must have happened for him to write…