Austar To Offer IP Video In New HD PVR


According to Australian IT, Austar’s next DVR box will not only feature an ethernet port, but it will let you use it for downloading IP video onto the unit. The box, which is due out later this year, will also feature a USB port and HD tuners.

Foxtel’s new iQ2 box also features an ethernet port, although they refuse to actually say anything about how it will be used when the box is released in June.

CEO of Austar, John Porter, was quoted as saying:

“We’re agnostic when it comes to content. Our vision is to be the
consumer interface for digital content, no matter which pipe it comes
through, be it digital terrestrial TV, satellite or the web. It’s about
our box morphing into being a media centre for the TV set.”

While we can’t say that Foxtel won’t follow the same approach, it is refreshing to hear somebody talking about making their box little more than a medium for content to collect, rather than trying to control every facet of a consumer’s viewing experience.

Of course, by not controlling the content flow, the Austar box could quickly become the new home for internet porn in your home. Whether that’s a bad thing is completely up to you.

[Australian IT]