We had over 1300 entries for our BlackBerry Bold competition for the past fortnight. I just read through every single one and picked out the winners. And here they are:
April 12: David G
Life ends slowly now
Where once it barely started
The bold captures all
April 13: JimKarnage
Fingers glide smoothly
Almost as though through the air
Like bold autumn leaves
April 14: Evan
Sharp as the razor
with clarity of crystal
Such stunning bold screen.
April 15: Daniel
Ordered stepping stones
Across my bold zen garden
I step. It clicks. Love.
April 16: Nina
Stories never fade
Geotag a summer day
Bold records your life
April 19: Beau
Roaming internet,
Read gizmodo wirelessly,
My blackberry bold.
April 20: pinchies
My quick snaps and clips,
light music and bold movies,
on MicroSD
April 21: Graham Jupp
With wife, on the road
Heated argument unfolds
Bold browser resolves
April 22: Amit P
Media on Bold
Entranced imagination
Boredom vanishes
April 23: Gill Bates
Email boss: “No Work
Cos Eyjafjallajokull”
Bold excuse takes balls.
(and yes, I had to look up how many syllables “Eyjafjallajokull” was. It’s six. – NB)
Congrats to all the winners. I’ll be in touch.