Exclusive: Galaxy S III In Australia: ‘No Plans’ At This Time

Ouch. The hype was high for the Galaxy S III, but Samsung Australia’s just told us that there are “no plans to make any announcements” regarding it at this time.

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Samsung Galaxy Event Meta Liveblog: All The News As It Happened

At the just-concluded Galaxy S III launch event, the date of May 29th for Europe was stated as the official launch for the 3G model, with “Asia” to follow. The 4G version for Korea and the US isn’t due until the (northern hemisphere) summer, and the smart money says that’ll be a 700Mhz unit, rather than the 1800Mhz that Telstra and Optus’ networks use. Still, that “Asia” tag often includes Australia as well.

Except this time. Sorry, Galaxy S III fans, but you’re going to have to wait; I just got the official statement from Samsung Australia, which reads as follows:

“Samsung Electronics Australia is pleased there is continued interest about our GALAXY range in Australia, but we have no plans to make any announcements at this time”

Once again, ouch. Maybe… just maybe… it’s because it’s early in the morning right now, but in that case I would have thought they’d simply not make a statement at all. I suspect — as with the Galaxy Note — that the direct importers are going to make a lot of money out of that statement.