Win Double Passes To See Iron Sky!

Nazis on the moon are invading, and we know when it’s going to happen. Specifically, it’ll happen next Thursday when Iron Sky goes into general release in Australia. Thanks to Hoyts Distribution, we’ve got ten double passes to give away so you can see this satirical sci-fi flick. NOTE: This competition is now closed. You can marvel at the winning limericks here.

Iron Sky was partially shot in Australia, and it has its official Australian release next Thursday. Hoyts has provided us with ten double passes for you to see it while it’s running.

NOTE: This competition is now closed. You can marvel at the winning limericks here.

All you have to do is come up with the best possible limerick to describe the trailer embedded above. To get you started, I sat down with Lifehacker’s Gus for about fifteen seconds to bang out this not-so-quality gem:

Beware Nazis who live on the moon;
They are led by a sieg-heilin’ loon.
Can a fake Sarah Palin
Defeat these sick aliens?
Find out in a cinema soon!

You must be able to do better than that — for a start, it doesn’t even match the proper pattern for a limerick. Full terms and conditions are here. The competition closes next Tuesday at 10am, so get rhyming!