Though this sounds like a joke, former Vice President Don Cheney and his doctors were legitimately scared about him getting assassinated via terrorists hacking into his defibrillator and causing a heart attack. So they turned off the wireless feature so nobody would kill him via heart hack.
The extra security measure (or is it paranoia?) was revealed in a 60 Minutes interview set to air on Sunday. In a transcript, Dr. Jonathan Reiner said:
“And it seemed to me to be a bad idea for the vice president to have a device that maybe somebody on a rope line or in the next hotel room or downstairs might be able to get into — hack into”
Cheney’s issues have been poked fun of all over late night television, cracked in the back halls of the government and is a running joke meant to dig at a cold man. If you watch the TV show Homeland, you’d recognise that murdering a public official by hacking the heart was a plot on the show. Apparently it was art mimicking real life because Cheney realised the risk he was running if terrorists could tap into his heart. [Politico]