Well, this is awesome. Designer Yumi Yoshida has designed the perfect couch for those who just can’t commit to giving up an entire chunk of their apartment to a sofa. Instead, her Origami Couch unfolds into a wide, thin floor mat in the blink of an eye.
Here’s how it seems to work: The entire structure is made from a single sheet of nylon-entombed foam, which — just like paper origami — uses folds to create amazing compressive strength. In just four or five steps, the couch unfolds to reveal its neon orange interior lining — the perfect play mat.
It seems the RISD-educated designer created the couch a few years ago as a concept, but based on the photos posted to her website, this is a theory that could easily be put into practice. The only question is whether the average consumer would have enough patience to figure it out. [Dezeen]