Google doesn’t have a monopoly on all the horrifying-but-awesome robots. Sure, Wild Cat looks pretty ready to track down the last remaining humans, but this velociraptor-inspired robot would win the race for the kill.
Developed by researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), the Raptor is outfitted with carbon-fibre running blades, and can reach a top speed of 46km/h. To aid it in that pursuit and keep it from falling over, it also has a “tail” like a velociraptor would, although not in any way you might recognise it.
The Raptor’s tail takes the form of a spinning counterbalance that juts out from its side, offering the same stability benefits of a hind tail that swings side to side. As a bonus, it can also help knock stuff out of the way.
The Raptor isn’t the fastest bot out there — that honour belongs to the Cheetah — but at a mere 3kg, it has agility on its side. Suffice it to say you don’t want either running after you; not even Usain bolt could outrun these bad boys. The rest of us don’t stand a chance. [IEEE Spectrum]