Check out famous race and aerobatic pilot Bruce Bohannon taking the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge inside his plane. He placed the ice water in a little bucket between his seat harness and his shirt, took off, and then did a loop. The only thing cooler than this would be if an astronaut did it in the ISS.*
* I imagine they can put the ice water floating and then fly into the blob. Maybe we should all write to Reid Wiseman and challenge him to do it before he comes back to Earth. Let’s do this!
UPDATE. Apparently, someone took the aeroplane challenge a little bit too seriously:
A 51-year-old Belgian citizen in Girona, Spain, is in coma at the Intensive Care Unit with multiple trauma injuries after a firefighting aeroplane released 1500 litres of ice water on top of him (news in Spanish.) The aeroplane, which was piloted by his friend, was flying 7m over the runway when it happened.
According to the police, the victim was recording a video for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. According to the doctors, he may not survive.
Picture: The type of aeroplane that was used in the failed stunt.