You’re likely familiar with the “cannot connect” page of your favourite browser… how familiar you are depends on the quality of your internet connection. Not that you tend to stick around staring at it, with a quick F5 or click of the Refresh button sending it away to, hopefully, be replaced by content. Soon Chrome will give you something else to do: help a dinosaur jump over cacti as it runs across a never-ending desert.
At the moment, the game is not available in the current version of Chrome — you’ll need to hit up Canary, the “early adopters” build of the browser for those who want to try the latest features and improvements before they’ve been fully tested.
To start the game you’ll need to hit the spacebar, after which you use the same key to get the dino to jump. Smack into or land on a cactus and it’s game over.
There are no guarantees it’ll end up in the stable version of Chrome, but it’s hard to see why it’d be cut.