On Sunday, SBS aired the third episode of season two of Designer People hosted by Lee Lin Chin, and this week’s episode was about Aussie industrial designer extraordinaire and tech world hearthrob Marc Newson.
Newson’s list of high-tech design achievements include:
- The Pentax K-01 camera
- A shotgun
- Plenty of one-off Apple products
- A Heineken beer keg
- A range of toilets and baths
Here he is on Designer People talking about his inspirations and achievements, as well as some of the extensive work he’s done with Qantas:
Marc Newson – The world’s leading architects and designers reveal the creative processes behind their most famous works. In this episode, we meet Australia’s own Marc Newsom, now based in London as an acclaimed designer of aircraft interiors, furniture and jewellery.
The show’s online streaming run expires a week from now, so make sure you get in before it disappears. [SBS On Demand]