Ford announced a brand new concept vehicle at Mobile World Congress this week, but it will never do 0-100km/h, nor will it ever see a drop of fossil fuel. It’s a smart bicycle designed for the megacities of the future. Meet the Ford Mode:Pro.
The Mode:Pro is a sexy future-bike powered by a 9 Amp-hour battery and a 200 Watt motor. It’s attached to the bike in such a way that it’s designed to give you a boost when you pull away from lights or go up hills rather than power the thing full-time. That’s what your legs are for.
An iPhone 6 sits on the frame and tracks your heart rate, directions and GPS location via an app. That app will automatically fire up the electric motor if it notices your heart rate going up beyond a pre-set limit, or if it figures you might get a bit sweaty on your ride.
Right now, it’s a concept from Ford designed to show professional bike courier businesses what they can do if they had the right gear. Stuff like same-day or even same-hour delivery in big cities like LA or in China.
Ford envisages that it could go into production — most everything is stock off the shelf anyway — but it’s just a concept for now.
Either way, it’s gorgeous. Check out more below.