So far, Flash‘s take on Ralph Dibny has been stretching around as the Elongated Man in a costume that is as comical as Dibny himself can be. But, at long last, Ralph is getting something that looks a bit better than his light-grey spandex take on Daredevil season 1’s costume.
Images: The CW
The CW has released new pictures from next week’s episode of Flash, delightfully titled “The Elongated Knight Rises”. After Barry got sent behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit in the midseason premiere this week, Ralph finds himself forced to suit up as Central City’s hero. And on a CW show, that means a mandatory trip to the superhero wardrobe.
The design and colour scheme of the jacket almost looks like it was borrowed from the getup originally worn by Ronnie Raymond when he first became Firestorm all those years ago. Cisco’s already reusing ideas, but Ronnie isn’t around to complain any more, is he? [Editor’s Note: Ouch, James]. The fancy domino mask is a lovely touch though.
Still, as fun as it was to see Ralph running around in his grey spandex, it was about time he actually got something slicker looking to wear – and at least it isn’t another all-leathery getup like so many of the CW/DC superheroes get. Which probably would have been a nightmare to elongate in, anyway.
“The Elongated Knight Rises” airs in Australia next Wednesday, January 24 on FOX8.
[TV Line]