Star Wars cosplayers of the world take note: Joerg Sprave, the internet’s favourite slingshot-designing mad scientist, has come up with a clever way to simulate blaster fire in real life. Instead of employing dangerously powerful lasers that will get you kicked out of a convention faster than you can reload, his replica of Rey’s blaster from Star Wars: The Force Awakens fires glow sticks, creating a convincing effect.
As with all of Sprave’s creations, his replica of Rey’s blaster is a completely custom build, which means it’s not available for sale. But in the video, he does go into the details of its construction, and since most cosplayers prefer to build their own props to ensure the utmost accuracy, all you need is basic woodworking skills – and access to some beefy elastics – to recreate this one yourself.
The video is, oddly, not embeddable, but you can view it on Facebook by clicking below.