Hellraiser, Which Already Has A Movie Reboot In The Works, Now Has A TV Series On The Table Too

Hellraiser, Which Already Has A Movie Reboot In The Works, Now Has A TV Series On The Table Too

Hellraiser is having a renaissance. In the grand tradition of Child’s Play, not only is the long-running horror franchise possibly getting a movie reboot, it’s also now being considered for a new TV series.

And also much like the duelling Chucky projects, Hellraiser the new movie (which has David S. Goyer aboard as writer and producer, and is controlled by the company that owns the property’s movie rights) and Hellraiser the proposed TV show will be crafted by different teams.

Deadline reports that the series is a collaboration between the producers who own the franchise’s TV rights and producers Roy Lee (It) and Dan Farah (Ready Player One).

[referenced url=”https://gizmodo.com.au/2019/05/a-hellraiser-reboot-is-coming-from-batman-and-superman-writer-david-s-goyer/” thumb=”https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_ku-large/ii6whr6zckn3i6vrwfpw.jpg” title=”A Hellraiser Reboot Is Coming From Batman And Superman Writer David S. Goyer” excerpt=”David S. Goyer has already helped reboot Batman and Superman. Next, he’ll do the same for Pinhead. Hellraiser rises, anyone?”]

Hollywood is a complicated place, no?

Deadline also notes that the TV series will “use the mythology established in the movie franchise and the Clive Barker novella The Hellbound Heart as a launch pad for a new series that could be anthology, or a more traditional narrative. The producers are underway with a search for a writer-showrunner, before setting it at a network or streamer, at a time when horror is performing strongly.”

Of course, there’s no telling if either the movie or the TV show actually get made — or which format would better suit Barker’s extremely dark and violent tale; a streaming service might actually be the best fit, all things considered.

But if both teams are successful, there could be a lot more creepy puzzle boxes, sadomasochistic alternate dimensions and Pinhead acolytes in our horror-loving futures.