How To Enable Opera’s ‘Super Dark’ Mode On Android And Dim Glaring White Web Pages

How To Enable Opera’s ‘Super Dark’ Mode On Android And Dim Glaring White Web Pages

Opera’s version 55 for Android is introducing a darker mode and a feature to dim the piercing white of web pages that don’t yet support dark mode on their own.

The company announced Thursday that it’s rolling out a new night mode that allows users to manually adjust the colour temperature in-browser as well as control how dark they want their browsing experience. In addition to a redesigned Night Mode with dimming and colour temperature settings, Opera is also introducing a tool to darken white web pages for those of us who prefer to browse in the closest setting to total darkness.

2019 was truly the year of dark mode. It finally rolled out officially on iPhone in iOS 13 and arrived on popular apps like Instagram and Slack. Gmail got a dark mode. Android got a system-wide dark mode. But Opera takes a different tact on dimmed browsing, with a focus on minimising the amount of blue light coming from the device. Plus, Opera lets users schedule their night mode settings to either turn on during specific hours of the day or automatically.

“The winter months in Scandinavia tend to get really dark. With only a few hours of sunlight each day, we noticed that most of today’s devices’ automatic brightness settings cannot go dark enough, often disturbing everyone’s circadian rhythms,” Stefan Stjernelund, product manager of Opera for Android, said in a statement. “We decided to fix this issue with our browser. This version of Opera allows you to suppress blue light and go super dark.”

To power on Opera’s super-dark mode, enable Night Mode in settings, turn on Use Dark Theme under the colour and dimming settings, and select Dark Web Pages. And boom, no more blinding white web pages. Dim the lights and browse in darkness to your heart’s content.