A magical mystery unfolds in the first trailer for Amazon Studios’ The Pale Horse, based on the Agatha Christie novel about a man who learns of a group of witches who may be responsible for a series of mysterious deaths—including, one day, his own. But are these women actually damning their victims, or is something else afoot? Given how it’s Agatha Christie, you can probably guess.
The Pale Horse stars Rufus Sewell (The Man in the High Castle) as Mark Easterbrook, a seemingly normal guy who learns his name was on a list found inside the shoe of a dead woman. Most of the people named on the list have died, which means Mark could be next. But he has no idea why. Conducting his own investigation, Mark comes across an inn called the Pale Horse, which is rumoured to be the home of three witches who are responsible for the murders.
Mark’s world starts to spiral as more bodies start piling up—including Mark’s first wife, who had her own strange connection to the witches. Throw in some Midsommar creepiness, along with a dead rabbit, and you’ve got a recipe for a spooky journey into the macabre. Unless, of course, there’s a logical explanation for all of this. Only thing we can be certain of at this point is there’s always more to the story.
The Pale Horse two-episode limited series debuts on Amazon March 14.