Lego’s Mos Eisley Cantina Set Is Filled With Scum and Villainy (and Bricks)

Lego’s Mos Eisley Cantina Set Is Filled With Scum and Villainy (and Bricks)

Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of bricks and minifigs.

The rumours are true. The most famous destination in all of Star Wars is getting the massive Lego set it deserves. Lego Star Wars: A New Hope Mos Eisley Cantina is a 3,187-piece sprawling set scheduled for release on September 16 for Lego VIPs and October 1 everywhere. Once built it measures almost 8 inches high, 21 inches wide, and two feet deep. This thing is massive.

Plus, to fill up such an expansive place, 21 minifigs are included from all your favourite Cantina patrons and band members, to the stars like Luke, Han, Obi-Wan and Chewbacca. Below, you can click through some seriously gorgeous images Lego provided of the set, in all its detailed glory.

[referenced id=”1315766″ url=”” thumb=”×162.png” title=”Brand New Star Wars Art Breathes Fresh, Collectible Life Into the Mos Eisley Cantina” excerpt=”Few scenes scream “Star Wars” more than the one set in the Mos Eisley Cantina: the creatures, the music, the introduction of Han Solo and Chewbacca. It’s as iconic and memorable as Star Wars gets. And now, artist Kevin-John has immortalised it like never before, in a series of original…”]

You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Shelf

Photo: Lego
Photo: Lego

Gorgeous Lego but…whose apartment is this?

Photo: Lego
Photo: Lego

A view from above. Metal triangle not included

Photo: Lego
Photo: Lego

It really does come with all the bells, whistles, and a dewback.

Photo: Lego
Photo: Lego

So. Many. Minifigs.

Photo: Lego
Photo: Lego

Every side is detailed with Star Wars goodness.

Photo: Lego
Photo: Lego

Wait. He doesn’t serve their kind here!

Photo: Lego
Photo: Lego

Is the set worth it just for the Garindan and Ponda Baba figs? Yes.

Photo: Lego
Photo: Lego

Stormtrooper on Dewback. Nice.

Photo: Lego
Photo: Lego

The set will cost $529.99, and is available September 16 for Lego VIPs and October 1 for all.