
  • Yes, That’s a Lego Brick Made Out of Meteorite Dust

    Yes, That’s a Lego Brick Made Out of Meteorite Dust

    In the 5th Avenue Lego store in Manhattan, in the back toward the stairs going to the second level, there’s a small gray brick spinning lethargically on a thin pedestal. According to the Danish brickmaker and European Space Agency, that Lego piece was crafted from meteorite dust. While you won’t see astronauts going into space…

  • June’s Lego Releases See You

    June’s Lego Releases See You

    After a big month for spacey goodness in May, Lego is bringing things back down to earth for its June releases—or back down to Middle-earth in particular, with the standout release of its next Lord of the Rings set, Barad-Dûr. But what lies beyond the dark plains of Mordor, where shadows lie? A little Star…