What do you get when you cross Alfred Hitchcock’s sly tension with the ambiance of Star Wars? You get a very weird short film.
One of the most fascinatingly off-kilter fan mashups I’ve ever seen, Darth by Darthest Episode II is a surreal thriller (I think?) starring Cary Grant, straight out of North by Northwest, set oddly and fascinatingly into the world of Star Wars. A sequel to an equally avant garde original, this short film by Fabrice Mathieu makes something new and odd out of the old and beloved.
To be honest, I’m not sure what to make of this film. But I do think I love it. Cary Grant’s charm, even edited in, works perfectly interacting with C-3PO and Chewbacca, and the editing really is superb. Cary Grant has chemistry, even with characters who were first put to film long after his performance. It’s got a few good funny moments, too.
[referenced id=”963421″ url=”https://gizmodo.com.au/2016/05/wonderfully-weird-short-film-mixes-together-alfred-hitchcock-andstar-wars/” thumb=”https://gizmodo.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/18/cgxcdyraz1rinnwlmn3m-300×136.gif” title=”Wonderfully Weird Short Film Mixes Together Alfred Hitchcock And Star Wars” excerpt=”Video: Fabrice Mathieu turned Alfred Hitchcock’s North By Northwest into a film that includes Star Wars characters and it’s totally bizarre and so weird that … I kind of like it? I mean, it’s just stupid fun to see Cary Grant run away from a TIE fighter, and stare at…”]
If you want a traditional fan film, these are not the YouTube videos you’re looking for. But if you want something a li’l different, check this out — especially if you liked the first one.
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