He-Man and Battle Cat Have a Bold New Look in Their New Netflix Cartoon

He-Man and Battle Cat Have a Bold New Look in Their New Netflix Cartoon

No, not the show Kevin Smith is doing. That cartoon is a continuation of the original ‘80s series and thus its target audience is 40-year-olds. This is the new Masters of the Universe show for kids.

Mattel revealed this first look at the CG animated “reboot” series during a “Virtual Analyst Day Meeting” (via ToyArk) along with a new line of action figures. As a 40-year-old Masters of the Universe fan myself, it doesn’t matter a whit what I think the new He-Man and Battle Cat look like, but they honestly look fine to me. Battle Cat’s armour is pretty rad, and leaves him looking far more cat-like than his original duds. I can’t really get a handle on what’s going on with He-Man’s sword, but won’t lose any sleep over it. Even He-Man and Battle Cat’s hilariously tiny waists work for me.

Besides, although I’ve loved the franchise for my entire life, Masters of the Universe was always going to need massive updating to have any hope of catching modern kids’ attention — just as She-Ra did with her own excellent reboot. I don’t know if this will do it, but any grumpy old He-Man fan can content themselves that they’re still somehow getting the ‘80s cartoon back this year.

Image: Mattel
Image: Mattel

However, as a Master of the Universe action figure connoisseur, I will say these new toys are rather lacking. For being seven inches tall, they appear to be very poorly detailed. He-Man’s head looks way too small, which is clearly not a mark of quality craftsmanship. As for Evil-Lyn’s decision to cosplay as Korra from The Legend of Korra, that’s her business and her business alone.

Masters of the Universe is set to release on Netflix later this year.

[referenced id=”949368″ url=”https://gizmodo.com.au/2016/03/every-masters-of-the-universe-action-figure-ranked/” thumb=”https://gizmodo.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/09/1243412683324328369-300×236.jpg” title=”Every Masters Of The Universe Action Figure, Ranked” excerpt=”The most powerful man in the universe was also part of the greatest toyline in the universe. MotU’s giant, wildly varied assortment of heroes and villains set it apart from its ’80s counterparts — admittedly, some more so than others. So here are all 60 original action figures, scientifically ranked…”]