Bid Star Trek: Picard a Supersized Farewell by Watching the Finale in Imax

Bid Star Trek: Picard a Supersized Farewell by Watching the Finale in Imax

The end of Star Trek: Picard is nearly here, and Paramount+ is giving the series a big send-off. Oversized, even: the remaining two episodes of the show’s third and final season (this week’s “Vox” and the series finale) will be shared in a special Imax live presentation. Even better, fans will get to see the finale early.

Variety broke the news, reporting that 10 Imax theatres will screen the two episodes on April 19 — that’s ahead of the finale’s Paramount+ debut on April 20, so if you live in Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, San Francisco, Seattle, Orlando, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, or Dallas, you’re in luck. The event will also include “a live Q&A following the screening with Patrick Stewart, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Brent Spiner, Jeri Ryan, and executive producers Alex Kurtzman and Terry Matalas,” which will take place at the LA screening but will be broadcast to the other Imax locations.

Excitingly, this is a free event, so boldly go to this link on Wednesday, April 12, at 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET for a chance at scoring some tickets. Given the Star Trek machine’s devotion to the small screen these days, this Picard event might be your only chance to catch some new Trek content on the big (very big) screen until whenever the next movie appears.

Star Trek: Picard’s next episode arrives Thursday on Paramount+, with the finale streaming April 20.

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