The Avengers’ Russo Brothers Had a Near Miss With Kevin Feige’s Star Wars

The Avengers’ Russo Brothers Had a Near Miss With Kevin Feige’s Star Wars

The directing-producing team of Anthony Russo, Joe Russo, and Kevin Feige, which minted money for Marvel in the form of Captain America movies The Winter Soldier and Civil War, and Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame, apparently came very close to teaming up in another cinematic galaxy — the one far, far away.

On the May 1 episode of Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, and Will Arnett’s SmartLess podcast (via GamesRadar and Variety), Joe Russo elaborated… a tiny bit. “We love Star Wars. There were early conversations, there were some early conversations with us. Kevin Feige is a huge Star Wars fan, and there were some early conversations about maybe teaming up with Kevin to do Star Wars.”

What those conversations might have involved, we don’t know. We will probably never know, now that Marvel Studios president Feige, whose potential Star Wars project was first teased back in 2019, has shifted his gaze back to the Marvel Cinematic Universe — which you have to assume keeps him more than busy with all its movie phases, TV series, and unpredictable movie stars. The Russos, meanwhile, have splashy spy thriller Citadel currently streaming on Prime Video.

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