Seven years after beloved actress Carrie Fisher’s untimely passing, her final film Wonderwell will receive a limited release. Fisher had just completed shooting the film before getting ready to reprise her role as General Leia in what would ultimately become Star War: The Rise of Skywalker.
Wonderwell is described as a “modern fairytale;” its cast also includes Rita Ora. Deadline reports the film has been picked up for distribution by Vertical, which acquired North American and UK/Ireland rights to Vlad Marsavin’s directorial debut in a limited theatrical release. You’ll be able to watch the film through AMC in the U.S. starting June 23, and it will be followed by a digital release.
The images released of Fisher’s character, Hazel, are stirring — not least because she bears a striking resemblance to her mother, Debbie Reynolds, in her role as Aggie in cult Disney favourite Halloweentown. The film is described as follows: “Set between contemporary Italy and a fantastical realm, the coming-of-age story follows Violet, an inquisitive girl living in Italy with her American parents and her beautiful older sister, Savannah. When Savannah is selected to be the face of world-renowned designer Yana’s fashion label, the family travels to an enchanting medieval village for a photo shoot. Neglected and bored, Violet wanders from the ancient Tuscan town into a nearby forest where she meets the enigmatic Hazel, who warns her about Yana’s beleaguered stepson, Daniele. Guided by Hazel to a mysterious portal, Violet is offered a glimpse of what her future might hold.” The filmmakers have noted they will dedicate the film to Fisher.
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Editor’s Note: Release dates within this article are based in the U.S., but will be updated with local Australian dates as soon as we know more.