Samsung Responds To Galaxy Fold Screen Issues

Samsung Responds To Galaxy Fold Screen Issues

Earlier today a slew of journalists reported significant screen issues with Samsung Galaxy Fold review units.

Samsung has finally released a response.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”,w_768,q_90/bu40rmtxiijqovfeknv5.jpg” title=”Yeah, That’s Not A Screen Protector On The Samsung Galaxy Fold” excerpt=”Earlier today multiple reports emerged online from tech reviewers who were dealing with extremely borked Samsung Galaxy Folds mere days after receiving them. One of the primary reasons for the device breaking seems to have been from the plastic film being removed from the screens. As it turns out, you’re really not supposed to.”]

“A limited number of early Galaxy Fold samples were provided to media for review. We have received a few reports regarding the main display on the samples provided. We will thoroughly inspect these units in person to determine the cause of the matter,” said Samsung Electronics.

“Separately, a few reviewers reported having removed the top layer of the display causing damage to the screen. The main display on the Galaxy Fold features a top protective layer, which is part of the display structure designed to protect the screen from unintended scratches. Removing the protective layer or adding adhesives to the main display may cause damage. We will ensure this information is clearly delivered to our customers.”

As Samsung refers to in the above statement, the most common reason for the screens breaking has been due to the removal of the plastic film the covers the OLED screen. Despite the fact that it looks like a regular screen protector, it isn’t. In fact, it is integral to the workability of the device.

The only reason that the Galaxy Fold is able to bend is because of this plastic films – removing it is akin to taking off the glass screen of your smart phone. This is because flexible glass isn’t as technology that we have yet so the plastic is needed for the screen to fold.

Reviewers who mistakenly removed the film found that the screen stopped working.

It was confirmed by multiple news outlets, including The Verge and Android Central that a warning label about the plastic was not included with review units. However, it is understood that retail devices will include a label wrapped around the screen.

But the plastic wasn’t the only cause of reviewer problems for the Fold. Hinge bulging and screen issues are among the complaints in articles and on social media. This seems to be what Samsung is referring to in the first part of its statement today.

Being so early in the timeline of these issues cropping up, this thoroughly non-revealing response was to be expected. Samsung are unlikely to say anything more regarding this potentially being an issue across the range as a whole until the impacted devices have been tested.

In the meantime, it sounds like the company is forging ahead with the release and at the present time there has been no word on whether the screen issues will impact the U.S. release date, which is April 26.

This article is updating…

[referenced url=”” thumb=”” title=”Look At All These Broken Galaxy Folds” excerpt=”Just days after Samsung gave its $US2,000 ($2,778) foldable smartphone to reviewers, a troubling number of journalists say their Galaxy Fold units are all jacked up.”]