Alanis King

  • BMW Design Boss Defends That… That Face

    BMW Design Boss Defends That… That Face

    BMW recently unveiled the Concept 4, whose name might not resonate because it was probably hard to get past the vehicle’s glaring grille in order to read the details. But even if the rest of the world thought the front of the car looked like the snout of a giant radioactive pig, BMW is standing…

  • Aston Martin Thinks It Knows ‘What Women Want’

    Aston Martin Thinks It Knows ‘What Women Want’

    Generalisations about women in the car world aren’t limited to the back corners of Reddit or the comment threads, often absent of any actual female voices, about how women are “naturally inclined” not to like cars while men are the opposite, or the usual annoying stereotypes and gender-based assumptions about knowledge levels in “male” industries.…