Elizabeth Blackstock

Weekends at Jalopnik. Managing editor at A Girl’s Guide to Cars. Lead IndyCar writer and assistant editor at Frontstretch. Novelist. Motorsport fanatic.
  • Zone Out To The Eerie Sounds Of Planet Mars

    Zone Out To The Eerie Sounds Of Planet Mars

    When you think of some of the eeriest sounds on Earth, you’ll probably think of warning sirens, piercing screams, or even John Carpenter’s Halloween theme — but it turns out that Mars has its share of creepy noises that sound like they could be pulled right from a horror movie soundtrack. NASA has shared audio…

  • No, Your Driver Aids Won’t Work In Storms

    No, Your Driver Aids Won’t Work In Storms

    In what may be of little surprise to anyone who knows how car technology works, the American Automobile Association (AAA) that driver aid systems probably aren’t going to work in storms or other inclement weather conditions that will obstruct your vision.