John Biggs

John Biggs is a writer from Ohio who lives in Brooklyn. He likes books, watches, and his dog. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Gizmodo. Signal: +16468270591 Telegram: @johnbiggs

  • This Cheap Cherry Ergonomic Keyboard Is Comfy As Hell

    This Cheap Cherry Ergonomic Keyboard Is Comfy As Hell

    Cherry is best known as the creators of highly-coveted keyboard switches, the tiny switches that sit behind every key in your favourite input device. They’re less well-known for actually making their own peripherals, which is why the Cherry KC 4500 Ergo is particularly interesting.

  • Amazon’s Kindle Author Service Dumps Problematic Mobi Files

    Amazon’s Kindle Author Service Dumps Problematic Mobi Files

    If you’ve read this far, you’re probably a self-published author who has once struggled with Amazon’s fussy Kindle Direct Publishing platform. The platform, which allows you to upload and sell ebooks and paperbacks, has always been unusually frustrating when it came to ebook layout. If you did it right, you were fine. If you did…