
Luke Hopewell | Gizmodo Editor A self-professed gadget lover and nonsense talker geek, Luke Hopewell sits in the editor chair at Gizmodo Australia. He loves anything that switches on, does internet or goes fast. He picked up a Best New Aussie IT Journo Award in 2010 and if you stick around long enough, you’ll find Luke on your telly, too.
  • Here’s What Using Google Glass Will Probably Be Like

    Let’s face it: our lives aren’t as perfect as the guy in the Google Glass ad. You’re probably not going to be horseriding while using Glass, nor are you ever likely to perfect your mad trapeze skills with it. Here’s what using Glass will probably be like for the rest of us boring people.

  • Next-Gen Processors: What Can We Expect?

    CES 2013 was the exact point where processors became more than just geekdom. For decades, Intel has ruled the roost with a near-monopoly on processors. With the advent of smartphones and tablets, though, the field was blown wide open, and now there’s a whole bunch of companies competing to put a slice of their finest…