Mario Aguilar

Deputy editor at Gizmodo

  • Combat Tech Is Turning Baltimore Into A Paramilitary Zone

    Combat Tech Is Turning Baltimore Into A Paramilitary Zone

    In response to rioting and violent protests in Baltimore over the death of Freddie Grey, the US National Guard was deployed for riot control in Maryland for the first time since the 1960s race riots. Some 500 troops patrol the city, clad in body armour, with automatic rifles strapped across their chests.

  • Behind The Crazy New Analytics Tech Changing How We Watch Baseball

    Behind The Crazy New Analytics Tech Changing How We Watch Baseball

    If you turned on the Cardinals v Nationals game last night, you witnessed the first live broadcast of Major League Baseball’s awesome new player tracking and statistics system. This is Statcast: The incredibly fast, incredibly detailed art of playing baseball, broken down into easy to digest metrics that make sense. Hell yeah.