Max Read

  • The Hilariously Bad Disguises Of The German Secret Police

    The Hilariously Bad Disguises Of The German Secret Police

    Check out these great cold war-era photos of some totally normal East German citizens, who are definitely not members of the secret police! How innocuous they are, these completely non-suspicious-looking gentlemen, who could not possibly be Stasi officers in disguise, especially not the fellow in sunglasses and the enormous fur coat with the upturned collar.…

  • This Is What Your Brain Looks Like When You Masturbate

    It was only matter of time after the invention of fMRI scanning machines – which track blood flow in the brain – that scientists would start having people pleasure themselves while strapped into one. And so it was that New Scientist writer Kayt Sukel ended up with this delightful scan of her brain at the…

  • Thief’s Mobile Phone Pocket-Dials Police

    A man driving around in a Kia Sportage “full of tools stolen from a business” and discussing plans for a future heist with accomplices accidentally pocket-dialled 911 on his phone, allowing the police to listen in and, eventually, arrest him.