New Northernmost Island Discovered Above Greenland
There’s a new northernmost island, and it was discovered quite by accident in the icy waters above Greenland last month. The little strip of land has no vegetation, but researchers are hoping to find life in the samples they collected there.
Physicists Discover the Elusive Odderon, First Predicted 50 Years Ago
Scientists are celebrating the long-sought discovery of the odderon, a strange phenomenon that appears only rarely when protons collide at high energies, such as inside particle accelerators. Though the odderon was first predicted to exist in the early 1970s, it wasn’t until recently that physicists finally gathered the data they needed at CERN’s Large Hadron…
You May Not See as Much Colour as You Think You Do
If everything in your peripheral vision suddenly changed from colour to black and white, would you notice? There’s a good chance you wouldn’t — in a new study involving virtual reality, most people never realised that their surroundings had abruptly desaturated. The results add to a large body of research suggesting we often perceive much…
People Can’t Find The Stars They Paid To Name And They’re Calling Astronomers For Tech Support
Professional astronomers are busy people. Some are mapping distant galaxies, others are listening for aliens and more still are searching for habitable planets — which, it seems, we might one day need. But on occasion, they’re also called upon to do something that shouldn’t require a PhD: find the stars that people have “purchased” online.