Tom McParland

Tom is a contributing writer for Jalopnik and runs He saves people money and takes the hassle out of buying or leasing a car. (

  • Modern Minivans Can Now Smoke Your Old Sport Compact

    Modern Minivans Can Now Smoke Your Old Sport Compact

    If you need a vehicle for moving the family, the minivan is simply the superior tool. But if you think getting a minivan means dooming yourself to three rows of slow, uninspired driving, the current crop of vans could probably dust the sport compact you had as a teenager.

  • Chris Cornell Wrote Some Of The Best Driving Songs

    Chris Cornell Wrote Some Of The Best Driving Songs

    Image via YouTube: Show Me How To Live by Audioslave Chris Cornell’s passing was the first death of a musical artist to really bum me out. I probably listen to his songs on a daily basis, so the news hit me hard. Most of the time I rock out from behind the wheel because Chris…