All Things Internet: The Big Players & The Issues

The world has grown increasingly connected over the past few decades and a huge chunk of our lives are online. We cover the companies you care about: YouTube, Google, Amazon, and the issues you care about: NBN, IoT, social media, privacy and security.

  • The Secret Behind AI Drive-Thrus? It’s Humans Doing the Work.

    The Secret Behind AI Drive-Thrus? It’s Humans Doing the Work.

    Presto, the self-acclaimed “leader in drive-thru voice automation” wants artificial intelligence to take your order. The drive-thru AI company works with Carls Jr, Chili’s, and Del Taco, and it partially runs on ChatGPT. However, SEC filings from November reveal that Presto’s AI may not be capable of taking your burger order and requires a human…

  • Magnets, How Do They Work in Keychron’s Newest Mechanical Keyboard?

    Magnets, How Do They Work in Keychron’s Newest Mechanical Keyboard?

    Keychron, the brand behind some of Gizmodo’s favorite mechanical keyboards for beginning enthusiasts, has launched a Kickstarter for a keyboard with a new switch. It’s called the Keychron Q1 HE, with “HE” referring to the Hall effect switches featured on this board, which use magnets rather than pins to detect keypresses. The Keychron Q1 HE…