All Things Internet: The Big Players & The Issues

The world has grown increasingly connected over the past few decades and a huge chunk of our lives are online. We cover the companies you care about: YouTube, Google, Amazon, and the issues you care about: NBN, IoT, social media, privacy and security.

  • Cancelled HBO Originals Re-Emerge on Roku

    Cancelled HBO Originals Re-Emerge on Roku

    Westworld is back online, after being cancelled by HBO and subsequently removed from the company’s HBO Max streaming platform at the end of 2022. The popular sci-fi series re-emerged on Roku on Wednesday, as reported by Tech Crunch.

  • The Twitter Menswear Guy Spotted Orange Makeup Stain on Trump’s Suit

    The Twitter Menswear Guy Spotted Orange Makeup Stain on Trump’s Suit

    While the rest of the world marveled at the arrest of former President Donald Trump on Tuesday afternoon, Twitter’s resident menswear guru Derek Guy focused on something that, for him, was more important: Trump’s courtroom outfit. In his review, Guy discovered evidence not of criminal conduct, but supporting the age-old theory that the former president…